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Re-maek was started as a project to initiate an idea for creative waste management.


While working as part of a buying house we noticed that thousands of fabric swatches get discarded everyday in the fashion industry. Most of them are usually sent by mills and vendors as samples for quality and are too small to be used for garments. This sparked of an idea to try and up-cycle these swatches that are otherwise rendered useless, and create with them a collection of unique patchwork concepts. 


These products are completely handcrafted and their patterns have been carefully and precisely planned to maximise utilisation of each swatch. These different swatches have created a unique colour palette on every product and their subtle colour variations have resulted in a contrasting, yet harmonious story.


A colossal amount of fabric waste is generated every year by the garment industry and Re-maek is just an effort to try and repurpose part of this pre consumer waste.


Think. Cut. Stitch. Repeat.

Fold. Pin. Tack. Re-seal.

Snip. Stitch. Flip. Repeat. 

Plan. Cut. Sew. Repeat.

976 swatches crafted into 21 unique patterns

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